Hormone Balancing

Hormone Balancing for Female
This package checks levels of hormones, particularly estrogen and specific hormones related to menopause and/or irregular periods. Having balanced hormones is very important for having a good quality of life and an easy passage through child bearing years and menopause, and these reliable tests will guide our functional doctors to understand how to help you balance your hormones. Moreover, our functional medicine doctor will guide you towards a suitable diet (the type of food that you should eat and which foods to avoid), what type of workout that you should do and whether personalized supplementation will help.
As well as investigation into your sexual and related hormones and your vitamin levels, this lab test will also look deeply into any inflammation you have, which is highly related to hormone balance. When your hormone levels are out of balance, it can increase inflammation and vice versa which eventually contributes to chronic diseases. For instance, when testosterone, DHEA and Cortisol are in balance, they can help to reduce inflammation but if estrogen and insulin levels are out of balance this can elevate inflammation. Studying both will give us the best picture of your health.
Suitable for women:
- Who are experiencing unpleasant menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, muscle pain, poor metabolism, depression, trouble sleeping or headache.
- Who are having difficulty in getting pregnant or plan to get pregnant.
- Who are suffering from PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) or depression during the menstruation.
- Who are experiencing irregular, heavy, light or painful periods.
- Who are suffering from indigestion, bloating, constipation and diarrhea during menstruation.
- Who are suffering from weight gain, puffy face or increased fat.
- Who are having difficulty dealing with chronic acne, which cannot be explained.
- Who are experiencing reduced sex drive and vaginal dryness.
Lab Tests and Services Included in the Package:
- 22 lab tests, including complete blood count, blood sugar level, fat level, kidney function, liver function, Thyroid hormones, adrenal gland hormones, sex hormones, inflammation markers and vitamin D.
- Initial functional medicine consultation and follow up functional medicine consultation
- Body Composition Analysis (1 session) and 3D Body Scan (1 session)
Package Price: 22,500 THB
Duration: The test results will take approximately 3 working days.
Preparation: It is recommended that for women who have a regular period cycle, the test should be taken on Day 21 after the menstruation (counting the first day of the menstruation as Day 1). Please kindly avoid food and beverages at least 8 hours before the blood draw.
Hormone Balancing for Male
Are you currently having difficulties dealing with erectile dysfunction, infertility, hair loss, diminished sex drive, fatigue or lack of energy, poor stamina, night sweat, change in sensitivity to cold and heat, frequent urination, headache, foggy thoughts, mood swings, depression, anxiety, memory loss, irregular heart rate, unexplained weight gain, decreased muscle mass, muscle weakness, brittle or weak bones, sleep apnea or insomnia, constipation, bloating, surge in body fat or abnormal development of breast fat tissue? If yes, these symptoms may be the signs indicating hormonal imbalance. Having balanced hormones is very important for having a good quality of life as hormones are involved in almost all functions of your body, such as regulating appetite, metabolism, sleep, sexual function, stress, mood and body temperature.
Changes in the balance of hormones may be caused by several factors. One natural and common cause is increase in age. To illustrate, after the age of 30, growth hormone tends to naturally decline. Growth hormone plays a vital role in strengthening bones, enhances recovery, increases muscle mass and maintains organs and tissues. Also, as men age, their testosterone hormone tends to decline while estrogen is likely to incline. The decrease in testosterone and increase in estrogen leads to many symptoms, such as fatigue, lack of energy, changes in mood, muscle weakness, infertility, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, development of breast tissues, weight gain and increase in body fat. Aside from the growth and sex hormones, there are also other significant factors that influence the balance of hormones, including function of the thyroid, stress hormones, inflammation level, blood sugar level, fat lipids and vitamin D.
Even though the hormonal imbalance seems to be unavoidable, the good news is that through proper diagnoses, lab tests, lifestyle adjustment, treatments and personalized supplementation, the imbalances are correctable and can bring about a happier and healthier life.
Suitable for men:
- Who are experiencing erectile dysfunction, infertility, diminished sex drive, lack of energy, weight gain, lower muscle mass, muscle weakness and low stamina.
- Who are having difficulty dealing with night sweat, change in sensitivity to cold and heat or frequent urination.
- Who are suffering from headache, foggy thoughts, mood swing, memory loss, depression, anxiety, sleep apnea or insomnia.
- Who are experiencing gut health issues, such as constipation and bloating.
Lab Tests and Services Included in the Package:
- 19 lab tests, including complete blood count, blood sugar level, lipids, kidney function, liver function, Thyroid hormones, adrenal gland hormones, sex hormones, inflammation markers and vitamin D.
- Initial functional medicine consultation and follow up functional medicine consultation
- Body Composition Analysis (1 session) and 3D Body Scan (1 session)
Package Price: 19,800 THB
Duration: The test results will take approximately 3 working days.
Preparation: Please kindly avoid food and beverages at least 8 hours before the blood draw for the accurate test results